Over Drive Mikoto Shinozaki is a normal high student with unfortunate normal problems he's terrible at sports, has no special talents and is bullied by everyone at his school That is, until one day Yuki, his beautiful, longtime crush, asks the boy if he'll join her brother's cycling team Desperate to gain her affection, Mikoto tries hisOver Drive a beau être un animé centré sur le cyclisme, vous prendrez un malin plaisir à visionner les 26 épisodes que le studio XEBEC nous offre !?第25話 Joy and sorrow are next door neighbors第11話 Once a chicken, always a chicken自転車部に入る決意をしたミコト。ゆきに連れられて訪れた部?!
over drive 12 マンガ 漫画 安田剛士 週刊少年マガジン 電子書籍試し読み無料 Book Walker
オーバードライブ アニメ